1. Personnes et Personnages
  2. Super-héros
  3. Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Katana (Tatsu Yamashiro) type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Katana (Tatsu Yamashiro)? Katana (Tatsu Yamashiro) est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."


The lone female in the Outsider's trio, she has no super powers, but is a highly skilled martial artist and swordswoman. Katana is generally silent (stating to her friends that "you know how I hate to repeat myself"), typically letting her actions speak for her.

Super-héros caractères similaires à Katana (Tatsu Yamashiro)
