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Paul Duncan type de personnalité MBTI

Paul Duncan type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Paul Duncan? Paul Duncan est un type de personnalité ISTJ dans MBTI, 4w5 - sx/sp - 485 dans Enneagram, RLOEN dans Big 5, ESI dans Socionics."

The way he's obsessed with trying to capture a memory in music is exactly like how Si is described by so many typologists. A function that's attached to ephemeral objects/information, who yearns for the ability to relive an experience again and again. Si wants "old", Se wants "new". Both Se/Ni and Si/Ne can be creative. Duncan is an Si user. He's also clearly Fi/Te rather Ti/Fe. He couldn't care less about the feelings of anyone else (Fe) or internal/dispassionate logic (Ti) - he's all about the exploration of his own being (Fi). I also reads his bluntness as Te rather than Ti (he's not trying to be objectively truthful, he's expressing Fi judgements through a no-nonsense Te voice). I also think Si > Fi/Te. His goal of capturing his past in music (Si) or his reviewing of his history (Si) come first. He doesn't prioritize taking the time to analyze/feel/figure out the truth via his Ji compass, or taking any kind of action in the outside world / accomplishing objectives (Je). Fi/Te are in service to Si rather than the opposite, I think. So ISTJ it is.


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