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Paul Duncan MBTI性格类型

Paul Duncan MBTI性格类型 image


"Paul Duncan是什么人格? Paul Duncan是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的4w5 - sx/sp - 485,五大类型中的RLOEN,Socionics中ESI类型。"

The way he's obsessed with trying to capture a memory in music is exactly like how Si is described by so many typologists. A function that's attached to ephemeral objects/information, who yearns for the ability to relive an experience again and again. Si wants "old", Se wants "new". Both Se/Ni and Si/Ne can be creative. Duncan is an Si user. He's also clearly Fi/Te rather Ti/Fe. He couldn't care less about the feelings of anyone else (Fe) or internal/dispassionate logic (Ti) - he's all about the exploration of his own being (Fi). I also reads his bluntness as Te rather than Ti (he's not trying to be objectively truthful, he's expressing Fi judgements through a no-nonsense Te voice). I also think Si > Fi/Te. His goal of capturing his past in music (Si) or his reviewing of his history (Si) come first. He doesn't prioritize taking the time to analyze/feel/figure out the truth via his Ji compass, or taking any kind of action in the outside world / accomplishing objectives (Je). Fi/Te are in service to Si rather than the opposite, I think. So ISTJ it is.


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