Osamu Dazai type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Osamu Dazai? Osamu Dazai est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 7w8 - sp/so - 748 dans Enneagram, SLUEI dans Big 5, EIE dans Socionics."

I don't understand why everyone think that Dazai is a 4w5 when clearly he's 7w8. It doesn't take much to give the reasons, but I'll do it anyway: Dazai is a character who constantly seeks to run away from pain, and how? Trying to commit suicide. He doesn't envy or compare himself with others in terms of suffering; he doesn't care about that. If that were the case, the series would show us. The different methods of suicide that he tries and the effort he makes to find an effective one is clearly a sign that he's an e7 who seeks to avoid pain (he mentioned it himself, he hates pain and suffering). Leaving 7 aside, it's obvious that his wing is 8 rather than 6. We have been shown how he acts when solving things. He's someone very confident in what he does and always finds solutions thanks to his ability to deduce, besides that the 8 tend to be more aggressive while the 6 are more prone to fear (it depends on each one, but I mention it anyway). And about his mbti, it's clear that he's an ENTP that due to his use of Ne-Ti it seems that his main function is actually Ni, so I understand those who say that he is INFJ or INTJ. However, I would like you to say why you think Fe aux or Te aux is, because I don't see anything of both (Faith is not so developed from what has been seen). If there are things misspelled it's because I'm using a translator, so in that case I apologize.


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