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Ruben Amorim type de personnalité MBTI

Ruben Amorim type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Ruben Amorim? Ruben Amorim est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 5w6 - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

The functions he uses are Ti and Fe for judging functions, and Se and Ni for perceiving functions. The actual order is Ni-Fe-Ti-Se. Aka INFJ. His unblinding faith (one could say stubborness) in his 3-4-3 system, even at times where it brings tactical problems to his team heavily implies Ni above all other functions, including Ti. He's also very future-oriented, promoting and having youth players debut professionally as young as 16. Furthermore, he was a player where his best attribute was intelligence. His auxiliary Fe makes him naturally charming and easygoing, including at times where he can act a bit like of a chameleon. It greatly helps in establishing a relationship with his players as well as those who surround him in the world of football. His Ti and Se are less well developed and, by extension, more difficult to see, though you can see some degree of Ti in his press conferences, though when it comes to the tactical discussion, he's usually very tight-lipped about it. I could also see him as ENFJ. As for xSTP, I just don't see him though. Ni and Fe are both way too developed.


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