Suji Seong type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Suji Seong? Suji Seong est un type de personnalité ENTJ dans MBTI, 3w2 - sp/so - 358 dans Enneagram, SCOEI dans Big 5, LIE dans Socionics."

she is absolutely an LIE, but I think she might be an sp7 rather than a sp3. for one, suji has no large goals or wish for recognition. she prioritizes her own survival in the social sphere so that she can fit in and have others on her side, which is something she picked up from transferring schools so often. the first thing suji does when she transfers is to identify the type of people she's surrounded by and attempt to befriend some of the "safe" ones. the sp7 description states that "they [sp7's] make alliances and create opportunities to gain advantage, banding together and taking care of others who they feel an affinity or connection with". this is exactly what suji has been doing over the course of the series - collecting allies to complete her grand plan of ending the pyramid games. sp7's are also described as "alert to any possibility that will ensure survival and satisfaction". suji's first priority has always been herself above others, and she has no shame about that or even any intent to hide it. she takes every oppurtunity she can get in order to survive, even if its at the expense of others. sp3's attempts to hide their greed/appear modest just aren't suji at all. she acts nothing like an sp3, but if anyone else disagrees i'd love to discuss it further since i love this manhwa :-) highly reccomend checking it out


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