Dina type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Dina? Dina est un type de personnalité ESFJ dans MBTI, 2w3 - so/sx - 279 dans Enneagram, SLUAI dans Big 5, ESE dans Socionics."

She has No Fi. She goes 180 after standing up for the MC when Mariam got attacked and framed by that ***** Layan, to kissing the bully clique's ass for social status brownie points. She cares too much about "fitting in" not even for the sake of survival but because ultimately she wants to belong with "the group" and also be with the "in crowd". That's why she was quick to abandon Mariam when she thought she may have a chance of being "friends" with Rania, Roqayya and Layan. Even though that group is ruled by a clique formed of three horrific people. This is the main reason (very good one) why Noaf is reluctant to trust or have Dina be part of the revenge plan. She's that easy to read. An ENFP would not allowed themselves to be made a source of ridicule, especially by people they knew were guilty of assaulting their "best friend", just to impress "the cool kids". They would have atleast had their intuition to guide them into understanding the difference between being laughed at or laughed with. Dina's FE is so out of whack in overload, she is so desperate to people please the worse kind of people for social status alone she can't see she is being used in the worse possible way. The good side of her Fe is that she redeems herself to Mariam by being a loyal friend to Mariam again after being consoled when she realised the bully crew were not her friends. When Noaf tells Dina she feels part responsible to how Mariam turned into a much darker personality, is because she kept her mouth shut when Mariam pleaded with her to tell the truth in the face of Layan's lies since she had witnessed what really happened. Noaf knows that had she told the truth, things most likely would have turned out better for everyone and Mariam would not have gone "to the dark side". Dina's response is that she KNOWs Mariam is a good person and that since she has been through hell in response to her trauma, they can't really judge her actions. And all they can do is stand by her is because they "owe" Mariam that. Although, unfortunately, Dina had yet to understand how traumatised Mariam was to the point she was willing to do what she did in the end in "revenge".


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