Roqayya type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Roqayya? Roqayya est un type de personnalité ESTJ dans MBTI, 8w9 - sx/so - 683 dans Enneagram, RLUEN dans Big 5, SLE dans Socionics."

Guys she is not Se dom… she is Te dom. And just because she makes an impulsive desison doesn’t mean she is ESFP. Where is her Se???Se is clear in Rania as an ESTP as she is always trying to find some way to get external experience. Also where is her Fi as second function?? If anything her Fi is her last function. Her values and morals obviously are lower in her function stack. We can see that from when she took off her hijab. And does she have inferior ni?? She’s the most future oriented one in her friend group. Anyone can make impulsive decisions when they have feelings for someone. ESTJs and ENTJs have feelings too…. Just because they make a mistake doesnt change their entire mbti type lol. Stop using stereotypes. I used to think she was ESTJ but now im leaning into ENTJ. Out of all of the girls in Layan’s squad she was always thinking of the future and thinking ahead which shows her Ni. She is the most future focused of all of them. I also think that third function Se shows when she made that impulsive decision. I could actually even see her as INTJ as well with inferior Se which would make a lot of sense too. Her usage of Te is apparent throughout the show. We’ll see if I change what I vote if season two comes out. Also she is clearly 8w9. 7w6??? She’s literally the most serious one out of the whole entire squad. If you compare her to Rania whose 7w8 the difference is clear! Rania is barley ever serious and is always trying to brighten the mood by joking around. If anything even 6w7 or 6w5 would be closer to her type than 7w6.


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