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Mary Somers "Horizon" type de personnalité MBTI

Mary Somers "Horizon" type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Mary Somers "Horizon"? Mary Somers "Horizon" est un type de personnalité ENFJ dans MBTI, 2w1 - so/sp - 271 dans Enneagram, SCOAI dans Big 5, ILE dans Socionics."

Instant ENFJ vibes as soon as I saw her. Confirmed now with the new trailer launch. She’s positive and motherly. She doesnt hold onto the past like Sensors tend to and seems to be emotionally driven rather than vendetta driven. She seems to be taking on a motherly role, you can see little hints of it in the trailer with the interactions she has with Mirage. As far as MBTI goes... “Fe: the charmer who can read emotional needs and get ppl to do anything for their own good”. “Ni: shows visions of the future via strange symbols & cryptic poems.” Her ability to let go of the past and focus on the future leads me to believe she is Ni. She is extremely focused on getting back to her son, not letting her experience or past betrayal affect her. “Se: the popular kid who is attracted to all things nice but ends up with a spiritual crisis”. (Fe-Se) She’s charming and the mother hen of the group. And i dont think she is a MH because she’s coping but because she actually cares about the group in the same way Gibby more or less does. “Ti: rookie detective who points out people’s flaws” ‘hes not not light on his feet is he?’ I suppose this goes hand in hand with the motherly role she will take on. Bouncing off the Fe for the greater good of the person. Why ENFJ? There are ENFJ characteristics that match her: natural leader, observant, honest, optimistic, compassion, charisma, reliable and tolerant.


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