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White tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu White? White adalah tipe kepribadian INFP di mbti, 6w5 - sp/sx - 693 di enneagram, RLOAI dalam Big 5, EII dalam socionics."

-- I'm still open to ISTJ option 'cause I see having good Si and Te, but I think his Fi is way too dominant in his actions. I think he has good healthy functions, and that's why he's so balanced. I think INFP makes more sense. *edited comment* NEW COMM: After ep 5 I'm 100% sure he uses a lot of Fi, it's really impossible for him to not be a Fi user. I think he can be an INFP over ISTJ 'cause I see more his Fi than Si, but he still has a strong Si and sometimes it's hard to think he has inf Te. That's why I still don't know what to vote. But what I'm sure is that he has a great use of Fi. You can notice that everytime he and Sean has some conversations... White never uses Fe. His fight at the beginning with Sean is a clear example. White is an high Fi user, that's why I'm starting to think he's more an INFP (even if his Si and Te are strong). "What do you freaking want from me?" I don't know if this part can be used as an argument, but I loved so much this quote: "You only live once. Bravery and fear, I think these two things are the complete opposite. However, they can't remain apart. We can't be brave without fear. But being brave with no fear is like an explosive with no target. The look from someone who's overcome his fear surprisingly warms my heart. In that moment, I realize if he's the bravery, I must be the fear. So that what we hope to achieve can be accomplished." For now I think he's more a 6w5 or 6w7, but I see maybe more 6w5, so I will vote this. OLD: Pretty much sure he has Fi and Si. Can see also Ne and Te. I'm struggling between INFP and ISTJ. He reminds me of his character in Theory of Love X'D Black for sure has a strong Se, while White is for sure a Si user. Edit: I can't understand INFJ votes. This guy has so much fi and si. Where he uses Ni? When he uses Fe? When Se? When Ti? All his confrontations with people has such an high use of Fi, so I really don't get Fe votes. Just 'cause he thinks to others too? For now I don't see why he should have objective feelings over subjective feelings.

