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Oyama Mahiro tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Oyama Mahiro? Oyama Mahiro adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 9w1 - sp/sx - 964 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, SEI dalam socionics."

if he was INFP than fi was dominant. there is a correlation between INFP and convert Narcissism because of fi function. Actually mihiro became hikikomori because of his own inferiority. He wants to pursue others believes but in reality he can't. But eventhough he knows his own inferiority he doesn't feel bad about his own sister who is always better than him. In the managa episode you can also see that he always admired his own sister. So if he was INFP than fi function might works like bootsy way. For example they might easly fall into self hated, pessimistic, senses of inferiority. But he didn't hate his own occasions, and didn't think himself as pity. In the bad occasions ti helps people with self objectification so they didn't easly fall into complex. In the all way his sister was always better than him but he easly confront reality and easly follows her plans eventhough he didn't want it. Because he can agreed with her to make changes in life and live more enterprising life. Fi didn't mean that always people looks kind sometimes it could hurts themselves because of separation between ideal and reality or when they find themselves as inferior because someone who is superior than them. Eventhough he lock out himself with society he didn't feel bad of his own reality and easly approved his occasions, so this might seems like he can easly objection himself and adapt to reality.


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