Jinshi tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Jinshi? Jinshi adalah tipe kepribadian ENFJ di mbti, 3w2 - sx/so - 379 di enneagram, SCUAI dalam Big 5, ESE dalam socionics."

I started reading LN and saw examples of tert Se in the manga that I hadn't noticed before. Jinshi being so clingy to Maomao, asking Maomao to lick his honeyed finger, kissing Maomao's finger etc. These all seem like impulsive acts. Especially after he kissed Maomao's finger, his facial expression looks sensual or something. Jinshi mostly satisfies his tert Se with that moves. He doesn't seem to be wondering how Maomao will react, he seems to be satisfied with this sensual interaction. Maomao is offended by these behaviors because all of these"perverse" to her. It is not strange that those who use high Se are called like this. He also in a couple of ch used "ore (俺)" instead of "watashi (私)" alongside Maomao. Both mean "I", but "ore" is more masculine. I think Jinshi tried to show that he likes her by saying that way. It's like saying, "I'm a man, notice me. Can't you see, i'm here for you?"...blah blah. Jinshi does this implicitly because he must think his emotions are being read, because the dominant function is what feels normal to us. He must have thought that by saying "ore", Maomao would notice that he likes her. He must've thought that since he could read . If he was tert Fe, he would have "made fun" of any of Maomao's behavior, or tried to "make her mad". That's why ENTPs are the kid pulling your hair out in middle school. Lmao A Fe-Se ENFJ seems more suitable for him. I haven't seen Ti, but maybe I'll see in the later chapters of LN.


Jinshi (壬氏, Renshi) is the deuteragonist of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto. He is a beautiful eunuch who was placed in charge of the inner palace and often requests for Maomao to solve mysteries in the palace in exchange for rare medicines. He finds Maomao's apathy towards him refreshing and amusing.

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