Fenshen tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Fenshen? Fenshen adalah tipe kepribadian INTJ di mbti, 1w9 - sp/sx - 163 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Note: i voted her according to the anime. With only small amount of screen time, these are the reasons why i voted her as INTJ. In the ep 24 (skip if u don't want spoiler), Maomao said that her being born in the world is part of Fengxian's plot. Fengxian loved Lakan so much that she wants to be together with him even if she has to sacrifice her pride and worth as a courtesan by getting pregnant (Maomao said that a courtesan can kinda control if she wants to get pregnant). So in my opinion, what Fengxian did is motivated by her Fi (Lakan) [yes INTJs can do things motivated by their feelings] and she wants to make it come true in the future [Ni] and get things done [Te] (but failed and she lost her mind, pretty much like an average INTJ when their plan messed up). It's a reckless plan imo, maybe she just did it out of desperation because someone else is going to buy her [INTJs get Se-grip when they are stressed]. Reason why i didn't vote her as ENTJ/ESFP is that in my opinion she's not an extrovert and actually ISFP is possible but idk. Also reason why i voted her as INTJ because also in ep 24, Meimei said that Fengxian isn't honest with her feelings and always hide her feelings especially from Lakan [Fi-tertiary I guess].


Fenshen (鳳仙, Fengxian) was a high-ranking courtesan at Rokushoukan, a senior sister of the Three Princesses, and Maomao's biological mother. She is a minor character in Kusuriya no Hitorigoto.

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