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Poison Type tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Poison Type? Poison Type adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 584 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, SLI dalam socionics."

I actually wrote a post once about which super power each type would be and I chose poison related skills for INTP. That Ti-Ne can be really insidious and metaphorically kill you slowly from inside with no escape.


These vile Pokémon have powers of venom, toxins, and poisons. Their specialty is harassing the enemy with status effects and residual damage. Most Poison-types are based on poisonous or venomous creatures, though some resemble inanimate objects such as trash bags and piles of sludge. They are mostly found in urban areas and forests, with the infamous Zubat family residing in caves. The status associated with them is Poison and Bad Poison. Both effects cause the afflicted Pokémon to lose health at the end of the turn, but Bad Poison is especially nasty because it inflicts steadily increasing amounts of damage — 1/16th of its max HP, which increases to 1/8 to 3/16 to 1/4, and so on. The moves Toxic and Poison Fang can inflict the latter status, as can Toxic Spikes if it is stacked, and if a Poison-type Pokémon uses Toxic in Generation VI and beyond, it has absolutely perfect accuracy, hitting even if the target uses Fly or Dig. Poison-types cannot be Poisoned themselves. Their offensive capabilities are not spectacular, though, as they are strong against only two types, Grass and Fairy, and are resisted by four types (Rock, Ground, Poison, and Ghost) and nullified by one (Steel). Despite this, they still have a few powerhouses. Their defensive abilities, however, are a bit better, resisting five types (Grass, Bug, Fighting, Poison, and Fairy) while being only weak to two, namely Psychic and Ground (although those two are fairly common...). Originally, Poison was the most common type in the game, narrowly edging out the ubiquitous Water type in Generation I. However, it hasn't been terribly common since; Generations II-VII combined have introduced exactly as many Poison-types as Generation I alone. In the Trading Card Game, Poison-type Pokémon are currently part of the Darkness energy type. In sets prior to Diamond & Pearl, they were part of the Grass type, while in sets starting with Diamond & Pearl but prior to Sword & Shield they were part of the Psychic type.
