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Kougami Taiga tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Kougami Taiga? Kougami Taiga adalah tipe kepribadian ISFP di mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 648 di enneagram, RLUEN dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Obvious MBTI, that "Kazuki-san has gone too flashy!" thing he said and how he dislikes the new Prism Show format because they're not the Street Style he oh so loves led me to believe he's definitely a Ti dom with a fixed perception of how Prism Shows should be in his eyes. Also inf Fe so apparent in his episode when he tried to forgive to Kazuki for saying that. As for enneatype, definitely 4. His whole character development in the Prism Rush game is how he wants to surpass Kazuki by his own form of Street Style. Easily mistaken as an Fi dom because of this, but I think he's too disrespectful of others' individual form of Prism Shows which aren't his perception of Street Style unlike a normal Fi dom who would encourage them for embracing their individuality. Update: Just learned that Fi blind types are impossible to be E4 so he's most likely sx6 with a very strong 4 fix. The core fear, desire, and behavioral tendencies fits him more too as his "tough guy" facade most likely formed from a feeling of wanting to overcome his insecurities over his haltly-ended childhood friendship with Kazuki. ANOTHER Update: I'm sorry, but I've just rewatched Kinpri with my gf now with more knowledge with cognitive functions and I'm pretty sure this boy's Ti-blind and trying his best to mask his Fi as Ti. The fact that he disregards the statistics of how Academic Prism Stars are way more successful because they're just too "flashy" for him and how Kazuki incorporated Academic elements into his shows makes him seem disingenuine to Taiga is pretty inferior Te and unhealthy Fi.


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