1. Orang & karakter
  2. Video game
  3. VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action

Julianne Stingray (Jill) tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Julianne Stingray (Jill)? Julianne Stingray (Jill) adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 5w6 - sp/so - 594 di enneagram, RCUEI dalam Big 5, ILI dalam socionics."

jill isn't a person who lives for the moment, she doesn't seek for pleasure in sensorial actions. it's clear that she's always lost in her moment thoughts (Ne) while trying to understand some situation that happened (being a high Se would make her act in the moment, but she just think about the situation to find a logical answer, what is way more TiNe). her Se blind is visible when it comes to the thrill of the moment: she doesn't enjoy that properly. all the times that things were almost exploding inside the bar, jill was just standing there thinking about something, being this something important or not.


Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Julianne Stingray (Jill)
