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Blade Wolf / IF Prototype LQ-84i tipe kepribadian MBTI

Blade Wolf / IF Prototype LQ-84i tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Blade Wolf / IF Prototype LQ-84i? Blade Wolf / IF Prototype LQ-84i adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 5w6 - sp/so - 538 di enneagram, RCOEI dalam Big 5, ILI dalam socionics."

Although his Si usage is quite considerable, he doesn't want to truly act like Si user. Many of his actions are attempts to overcome his programming, to give everything he experiences his own explanation and "creating his own directives" (obvious Ti usage).And he actually succeeds at doing so in the end of the game, finally being free of his "guidelines" that he was provided with in the first place. And i guess that result was achieved by questioning himself about his own actions (making doubt his own deeds and decisions - definitely not Ne inferior). While i am trying to be objective - there are reasons to count Blade Wolf Si-Te user, but only because that was his mask almost for the entire game. But throughout the game he was changing, gradually realizing that he's free from his inhibitions and restrictions to disagree with someone's opinion, being naturally curious about these things, which also confirms his great Ti usage.


Blade Wolf, officially designated IF Prototype LQ-84i, (IF standing for "Interface"), also known as Wolf and once informally referred to as K-9000 in reference to his more canine-like design, is a quadrupedal robot with a learning optical neuro-AI and a prototype verbal interface.

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