Aaron Burr tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Aaron Burr? Aaron Burr adalah tipe kepribadian INFJ di mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 639 di enneagram, RCOAI dalam Big 5, IEI dalam socionics."

Aaron Burr is such a tragic INFJ. As an Ni dom, he spent the whole musical constantly evaluating outcomes, waiting for the right moment to actually take action, being more of an observer who was watching on the sidelines throughout every situation rather than participating. He was a hesitator, who would simply “wait for it”, too fearful to face things head on and keeping his thoughts to himself - “talk less, smile more.. don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for”. His character is the direct opposite of Alexander Hamilton, who “doesn’t hesitate.. exhibits no restraint”, and is constantly going and going and taking action before thinking unlike Burr who is trapped by his own overthinking, living in his own head rather than reality. With his inability to take a stand for anything (“If you stand for nothing Burr, what’ll your fall for?”), he begins to realize that his fear of putting himself out there and taking risks has led him to watch the people around him move forward in life while he remained stagnant. This is highlighted through the build-up of his envy and panic in the ‘The Room Where it Happened’. At the end of the musical, Aaron Burr explodes and finally decides to be impulsive and take decisive action for once by choosing to duel Hamilton and actually killing him because for once, Hamilton decided to see the bigger picture and not take action (by not shooting Burr) just as Burr had done throughout the whole musical until that very point - Their roles reversed at the very end. This ends up being Aaron Burr’s downfall, which is tragic because the one time he did decide to overcome his hesitation and be blinded by ambition, he did it in the wrong way. He realizes too late, goes back to being able to see the bigger picture too late, crying out “Wait-”, the word he usually stood by (‘Wait for It’), just as he fires his pistol at Hamilton. His unhealthy Ni was his major flaw, but his inability to use it at the right time was his downfall. Such an interesting and complex character.


"♫ And me. I'm the damn fool who shot him. ♫"

Teater karakter yang mirip dengan Aaron Burr
