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  3. Hamilton: An American Musical

George Washington tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu George Washington? George Washington adalah tipe kepribadian ISTJ di mbti, 1w9 - so/sp - 163 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, ESI dalam socionics."

Wtf guys, are you voting him INFJ because of some "poetic" lines he had? First of all I want to emphasize an obvious Si-Fi coorelation I saw as most distinctive in his character (ofc talking only about musical not the real Washington). He was favoring Hamilton so much because Alexander reminded him of his own younger-self, and that was one of the main reasons why he put all of his trust in Hamilton. Example: during dialogue in "Right Hand Man" with Burr he didn't even want to listen Burr's application and logical arguments, because it was Hamilton had chosen at beggining because of reasons above. Other arguments why I percieve Si as George's dominant function is that he strongly believes in experience that comes with age and acknowledges it as very important. Also (and this is more my personal experience with Si users) they have tendency to form sentences with precision, correct merits, including loads of not really big-picture-important details what Washington was doing. I can easily exclude Fe looking at how he treats Hamilton. Despite he liked him George couldn't really communicate well and "feel" how to talk to him. Calling him "son" although Alex repeated him milion times not to do that and treatning him with condescension although Alex wanted to be seen with seriousness is not what Ni-Fe would do. It's more like Si-Fi's "I know what's the best for you, son, I have experience". I am open for discussion, because I haven't seen good INFJ arguments here yet. Thanks for reading tho <3


Teater karakter yang mirip dengan George Washington
