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Boxing tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Boxing? Boxing adalah tipe kepribadian ISTP di mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 837 di enneagram, SCOEN dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

I think the ESTP consensus is just stereotyping, to be honest. Se Ti is fine, but tertiary Fe? I mean you could say that it’s used to get inside the head of your opponent, but that is not part of the mechanics of the bloody sport. ISTP is the right option. Ti Ni: The reason I say it’s not Se dominant, because there is more foresight involved. Trying to predict how the opponent approaches you (Ni), breaking his and your technique down and picking apart weaknesses and strengths (Ti), putting it all together and envisioning a strategy (Ti Ni). Inferior Ni would mean basing the fight on mostly improvisation. Yeah, that’s not how it works. Se: Not dominant, however still very important. Adjusting to your opponent’s way of fighting in the exact moment. Remaining calm under pressure and being able to get out of unseen situations via improvisation. There you have it: Boxing is clearly Ti Se Ni.

