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Yoga tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Yoga? Yoga adalah tipe kepribadian ISFP di mbti, 9w1 - sp/sx - 946 di enneagram, RCOAI dalam Big 5, SEI dalam socionics."

I'm making a new comment because people keep dropping in with their p*ss-poor understanding of what yoga is. Definition of yoga: •https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yogahttps://osteopathic.org/what-is-osteopathic-medicine/benefits-of-yoga/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20purpose%20of%20yoga%20is,Yoga%20instructor%20in%20Hollywood%2C%20California. •https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/01/12/is-yoga-for-narcissists/the-purpose-of-yogahttps://www.lotuskitty.com/what-is-the-purpose-of-yoga My rationale: The purpose of yoga is to enact muscle and breathing exercises as well as engage in meditative techniques, this being to increase understanding of oneself and develop harmony between the body, mind, spirit, and environment. It's an exercise that helps us unify and calm, both the physical and intangible aspects of our human existence, ultimately so that the entirety of one's being can find peace. While an activity than can be practiced in a group, yoga is a by nature an introverted process, as its focus is subjective/self-orientated. Taking it a step further, yoga is predominantly rational rather than irrationally orientated, as the exercise where the main activity is making a conscious effort to enact personal betterment (Jx), as opposed to focusing on observation (Px). For introverted judging, it's Fi > Ti due to Fi being engaged in the self-concept, while Ti's desire is to form a subjective framework that is detached from sentimental biases. Yoga wants to further understand oneself in an intimate process, not detach sentimentality from the equation. As for the aux function this would of course have to be Se rather than Ne. Se-Ni is more strongly correlated with yoga's desire to find synergy between the body and mind, with intuitive functions disengaging people from baseline reality, as opposed to connecting them to it the way that Se does. This is also the issue of why INFJ doesn't work, yoga wants to find synergy between the physical and intangible aspects of being, the Ni-dom/Se-inferior imbalance would naturally oppose this desired harmony. Se-aux and tertiary Ni strike a much greater balance. Furthermore, Yoga is innately more Fi than Fe, as the desire of a Fi-dom is to retreat within the self to increase self-understanding and find peace of mind, Fe however naturally looking outwards and dynamically bending to the whims of the emotional environment. Furthermore, there's nothing about yoga that suggests that Ti is any way involved. The only aspect of INFJ that somewhat works is high Ni, but low Se and lack of Fi doesn't accurately represent the practice. Fi-dom better represents one's understanding of the self-concept, while Se-aux helps with the subject's mind in still being ground, and Ni-tert aiding in a web of symbolic inference to add further nuance in one's personal insight. ISFPs are often regarded as being the most "intuitive sensors" because of Fi's ethereal nature and their introverted intuition being subjective, with their Se connecting them to their immediate reality to stay aware and keep grounded. Again, the point of yoga is to increase awareness of oneself and find peace by UNITING BOTH the physical and intangible aspects of being, Fi-Se-Ni representing this better than any other stack. People are ignoring functions and typing INFJ by stereotypes.


Yoga is a relaxing form of exercise that was developed in India and involves assuming and holding postures that stretch the limbs and muscles, doing breathing exercises, and using meditation techniques. The goal of which being to calm one's being, gain greater understanding of one’s self, and unite to the body, mind, spirit, and environment.
