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  3. 1970's Songs

Pink Floyd - The Wall tipe kepribadian MBTI

Pink Floyd - The Wall tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Pink Floyd - The Wall? Pink Floyd - The Wall adalah tipe kepribadian INTJ di mbti, 5w4 - sx/sp - 584 di enneagram, RLOEI dalam Big 5, ILI dalam socionics."

"I don't need no arms around me. I don't need no drugs to calm me down. I have seen the writing on the wall. 'Don't think I need anything at all. No, don't think I'll need anything at all." "Another Brick In The Wall" in all its iterations struck me as about type 5 INTJ as a series of songs could be, but Part 3 in particular is about cutting one's self away from society completely due to their dissatisfaction with it. This strikes me as a clear Ni-Fi loop, I almost wanted to say Ni-Ti loop since cutting oneself away from society and the people they usually surround themself with is a manifestation of repressed Fe, but the lyrics strike me more as a suppression of the rational Te. "All in all it was all just bricks in the wall, all in all you were all just bricks in the wall," is a conclusion I can easily see an INXJ in a deep depression (or otherwise state of despair) declaring.


The Wall is the eleventh studio album by English rock band Pink Floyd, released 30 November 1979 on Harvest and Columbia Records. It is a rock opera that explores Pink, a jaded rockstar whose eventual self-imposed isolation from society is symbolized by a wall.
