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  2. Film
  3. Interstellar (2014)

Amelia Brand tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Amelia Brand? Amelia Brand adalah tipe kepribadian INFP di mbti, 4w3 - sx/sp - 459 di enneagram, RCOEI dalam Big 5, IEI dalam socionics."

There is a scene on the film that our beloved crew must decide which planet they need to choose to inhabit, because the Endurance did not have enough fuel to visit both of them. 1. Mann https://interstellarfilm.fandom.com/wiki/Mann_(planet) A planet that was the best one to go based on clear objective evidences showed to the crew. There is a guy inside this planet that is sending a message saying that this planet is habitable, in addition it is the closest one, so it would also avoid fuel shortage problems. All the crews decided to go to Mann, because it made much more logical sense, at least based on the evidences they had at that moment (Te). 2. Edmunds https://interstellarfilm.fandom.com/wiki/Edmunds_(planet) It was first habited by Dr. Wolf Edmunds and he showed a Thumbs Up sign, but he stopped to do it for the last 3 years. Therefore, it is a planet that nobody inside it was sending message for the last 3 years. Plus this one is much more far away. There is no clear objective evidences to choose this planet over Mann, but Amelia Brand chose it. Why? INFP cognitive function stack explains it: She chose subjective belief instead of objective facts (Fi dom > Te inf). She believed it was the most favorable planet to have life. She justified in choosing this planet because it was far away from Gargantua's Black Hole. However we discovered that the main motivation behind her decision is believing in the mystical power of Love. She wanted to go because she loves Dr. Wolf Edmunds. She thinks the love is a mystical connection that make powerful bond between people. This can be explained by the possibility minded approach of Ne being used as a slave of Fi, to justify Fi's opinion. And, most importantly, she showed that her Te is repressed by her Fi when choosing to inhabit Edmunds over Mann. Yep. She was repressing the most rational logical decision based on extern logical evidences (Te) to match Fi's judgement (Fi). * The scene ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7JMSWxQkk4 Brand: "Yes (I love Dr. Wolf Edmunds), and that makes me wanna follow my heart" (Fi dom) Brand: "Maybe we spend too long trying to figuring it out with theory" (Te inf, repressed by Fi) [...] Brand: "We love people who died. What is the special meaning on that?" (Ne aux) Brand: "Maybe love means something more, something we can't yet understand" (Ne aux) That's why I think she is INFP, FiNeSiTe.


#AnneHathaway as Amelia Brand
