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Draupadi tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Draupadi? Draupadi adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 837 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

> She is born in fire, both literally and symbolically. She is born to fulfill vengence, for anger (already stereotypical unhealthy Fi usage signs). > She is known for being bold and outspoken. She speaks her mind and it offended a lot of peoples. She insulted Karna for being lower class and duryodhan for falling in illusion. > She was arguably the leader of the pandavs. She was the voice when pandavs were not speaking out of respect and love for their elders. > She is also described as insanely competitive. It is said that she even debates with Krishna because she was so stubborn and competitive. > She is anti-traditionalist. Everything she does is opposite to what women were not supposed to do at that time. Look at Kunti, Gandhari or take Sita for examples, they were all somewhat of backgrond. She is in the forfront of all this, leading pandavs, saying things that they need to hear, giving them reality check, what the truth of the situation is, what needs to be done. > She initiates events, she wants war for discrimination, she demands her justice. She was the actual Man among pandavs. I am not taking "She is helpful toward peoples" as arguments like I didn't take "He meditates and mystical so Ni dom" as argument for Shiva. She is ENTJ 8w7 for me.


Draupadi is the most important female in the Hindu epic, Mahabharata. She was the daughter of King Drupada of Panchal, and wife of the Pandavas who fought their cousins, the Kauravas in the great Kurukshetra War. She had five sons who were collectively addressed as the Upapandavas.

Agama selebriti mirip dengan Draupadi
