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  3. Les Misérables

Enjolras tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Enjolras? Enjolras adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, 1w2 - so/sx - 162 di enneagram, SLOAI dalam Big 5, EIE dalam socionics."

I personally believe that Enjolras is a 1w2 as opposed to a 3w2. Even though Enjolras does seem like a type 3 due to his desire for success and accomplishment, he truly values justice and fairness above all else. The reason why he is goal oriented, is due to his aspiration to restructure the current system (which he deems as immoral) for the sake of societal progress. Even if 1 and 3 can be similar, Enjolras values type 1 ideals (striving for improvement, morality, passion, responsibility), much more that type 3 ideals (accomplishment, external validation, status, recognition) As for MBTI typing, I personally could see both ENXJ types, but currently I'm leaning towards ENTJ due to his obvious Te-Ni usage (his effectiveness as a leader). He also uses Fi>Fe as he is motivated by his own personal ideas of justice, and doesn't care about how other people perceive him. This is shown in his conflict with Marius, a Fi-Ne user, during ABC Café. EDIT: Finally it changed!! He was just such an obvious 1w2 to me, so it surprised me to see the 3w2 consensus.


Teater karakter yang mirip dengan Enjolras
