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Myeong Jaewon (Li Zichen) tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Myeong Jaewon (Li Zichen)? Myeong Jaewon (Li Zichen) adalah tipe kepribadian ESFP di mbti, 2w3 - so/sp - 279 di enneagram, RLOAI dalam Big 5, SEE dalam socionics."

Ne dom? compare him with maehwa who has Ne aux and even then, maehwa would still have more Ne than him. Se dom. compared to a Ne dom who jumps from one idea to another, his thinking is pretty linear and he decides things based on his senses. also lives in the moment and has just gone with the atmosphere multiple times (he’s said so himself). “maehwa doesn’t look agitated when i say a girl is interested in me -> his feelings aren’t that deep -> we can stay friends! -> fin.” if he was a ne dom, i’m sure this would be way more complicated and would focus more on the possibilities of other outcomes. “i think i also like you. so let’s try dating. would he like that kind of half-assed confession?” (dal guk) “…? so it’s no good? i don’t get it at all.” (myung jaewon) again, he didn’t even stop to think of other possible outcomes, or even wonder if maehwa would like it if he confessed. he’s ok with maehwa confessing to him, so he thinks it’s ok if he confesses to maehwa as well.

