Annabeth Chase tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Annabeth Chase? Annabeth Chase adalah tipe kepribadian INTJ di mbti, 3w4 - sp/so - 351 di enneagram, RCOEI dalam Big 5, LIE dalam socionics."

Ok so ofc it’s very soon to type her and I’ll probably need to come back here later , but since episode 3 we’re starting to have some real arguments for INTJ I- Her personality is very similar to the books; the show did it with success , and if Annabeth from the books is INTJ, now we have a strong probability for her to be INTJ too. II- For the actual cognitive functions now : 1-I think her Te doesn’t require much additional explanation. She’s all about taking the lead, being the one at the sail, she likes power , and have this blunt aspect quite typical of xxTJs. 2-Now for the Ni, this one is quite harder to spot, since Ni in a more general way is a very abstract fonction and is not easily visible in a TV show. However, we can notice the fact that she’s called a great strategist; ofc , any type can plan, but fore-sighting future outcomes in order to get the best plan out of them is a quality very recognized for Ni, Luke herself describes her as “always being 6 steps ahead of others”. I can’t see a Si dom putting that much effort to project that far in the future and to envision all the possibilities. Moreover , her fight with Percy in ep. 3 , when she reproches him of not being able to see that he’s part of “something bigger than he can imagine” shows how much she’s concerned with the bigger picture, another Ni trait. Some could say that her being so faithful to gods, and quests etc is Si, but it’s more Ni to me . It’s not that tradition matters that much, but she craves being part of something bigger and the godly traditions happen to coincide with it. Not much more to add for the moment. Even if at first glance her two dominant fonctions seem pretty obvious, can’t tell already if she’s TeNi or NiTe, or if other functions will appear more obvious during the rest of the show :)


Annabeth is one of Percy’s best friends and a daughter of the goddess Athena. Annabeth is a demigod, Percy’s age, and has been at Camp Half-Blood since she was seven.

Televisi karakter yang mirip dengan Annabeth Chase
