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  3. Nier

Nier (Brother) tipe kepribadian MBTI

Nier (Brother) tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Nier (Brother)? Nier (Brother) adalah tipe kepribadian ISFP di mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 612 di enneagram, RLUAN dalam Big 5, ESI dalam socionics."

MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR NIER UNIVERSE BELOW He's so flawed and narrow-minded but it makes him such a compelling and realistic character. Raised his sickly sister having no parents in life going as far as to sell his body for money just to survive and keep Yonah safe. This type of growing up meant he was forced to commit to decisions based on his personal emotions rather than rationally thinking them through, or perhaps gaining a new perspective from someone else. He doesn't care what it is, whatever is a danger to his friends he WILL raze to the ground. And that's the exact reason why he failed in what he wanted to achieve. He saved Yonah - at the cost of the entirety of humanity, an accelerated death and inevitable global doom. Imagine how different it would have been if his past had been different. But alas, the universe is indifferent to people's suffering. He tried to save the world, and unknowingly, he is the one who ended it.


Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Nier (Brother)
