1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Supereroi
  3. The Batman (2022)

Oswald “Oz” Cobb “Penguin” tipo di personalità MBTI

Oswald “Oz” Cobb “Penguin” tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Oswald “Oz” Cobb “Penguin”? Oswald “Oz” Cobb “Penguin” è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 8w7 - so/sp - 873 in enneagram, SLUEN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

LIGHT SPOILER WARNINGS. I know a lot of people are voting 8, but I have to disagree. I see where people think that, and I think he has an 8 in his tritype, but this man absolutely screams 3w4 core to me. He is driven by shame (“The world is not for people like us”) and a need to succeed more so than power (in the sense of fearing vulnerability like with an enneagram 8). You best see this in what triggers an emotional reaction out of him—it’s being looked down upon, made fun of, etc like with Alberto Falcone and Johnny Viti. He doesn’t have these kinds of reactions during an issue of power dynamics, like when Sofia makes him be her driver to meet Ling and when she (tries to) put him in his place before they meet Zhao (reminding him that he is an employee/subordinate, not her partner). I liken him to Loki of the Thor franchise. Very, very manipulative (and entitled character) that is very, very shame driven so easily triggered/manipulated through his ego. I think the biggest indication is how this man is so profoundly, impeccably manipulative. Characters on the show say how manipulative and full of **** he is, yet he still keeps successfully manipulating them. He is so convincing, he often has the audience thinking he genuinely cares until something happens and he proves he doesn’t. Case in point: episode 3, with his treatment of both Sofia and Vic. IFYKYK. Enneagram 3s are known for being chameleons like this—Penguin literally says in the show “you just gotta know your audience”. Becky Sharp of Vanity Fair would be great example of the same kind of chameleon manipulation of the enneagram 3 that Oz displays. In regards to the ESTP typing: he knows what he wants but only has a vague notion on how to get there—he struggles at long term, overarching, detailed plans (inferior Ni, lack of Te). However, he is absolutely *MASTERFUL* at recognizing and manipulating the emotions of those around him (tertiary Fe) and adapting to his circumstances/“reading the terrain” (dominant Se, Auxiliary Ti). IMO one of the best exemplars of the ESTP’s function stacking.


"The world wasn’t built for guys like us. That’s why we gotta take whatever we decide is ours. Cause no one’s gonna give it to us, not without a fight.” —————————————————————————— “F**k apologising. You wanna survive? You gotta adapt. You gotta respond to environments, to situations, you gotta think on your feet, you gotta be quick! Otherwise [you’re dead and buried].” —————————————————————————— “You wanna know what’s shameful? Working your whole goddamn life having nothing to show for it. You still think there’s good and bad? Right and wrong? There ain’t. There’s just this: survival, security, pleasure.”

Supereroi caratteri simili a Oswald “Oz” Cobb “Penguin”
