Azusa Aizawa tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Azusa Aizawa? Azusa Aizawa è un tipo di personalità ESTJ in mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - 962 in enneagram, RCOAN in big 5, in socionics."

I've only seen first episode and I'll come back later, but clearly ESTJ. I find it really nice to see such a healthy portrayal of a healthy ESTJ who not only is not a villain or "bossy", but also is nice and cares about others or is not mean to anyone. She's clearly Te oriented: not only in her past life she overworked that much, but in this world, she is also goal oriented, in finding comfort and living a peaceful life; doing everything in order to reach that goal. Her Te also manifests the way she takes action for others by doing things constantly, in a very efficient way and being straightforward when she is against something. We all agree on her Si, though I don't see her as Ne inferior, and she seems more focused in reaching that goal of peace, so I think Te is higher. Ne in how she went along with new stuff like accepting and picturing different possibilities when Asuza contemplated how she could live an easier life and do less things if she mentored Laika in exchange. Ne serving her Te goal. Also, how Fi worked out the way she felt the same way her apprentice could be feeling and connected with that once trying to overwork and finish building that house in that same day; Asuza completely refused because her values and empathy didn't want to see someone else doing, at some extent, what she used to do and made her unhappy in her past life.


Azusa Aizawa (アズサア・イザワ, Azusa Aizawa) is the main character and main heroine of Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita series. Previously a Japanese woman who died from overwork, she was reincarnated as an immortal Witch and proceeded to take life easy while killing slimes as a form of income. After 300 years however, her level becomes maxed out as a result and, consequently the most powerful being in the world, draws unwanted attention to her peaceful life.

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