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  3. Arthurian Legend

Sir Gawain tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Sir Gawain? Sir Gawain è un tipo di personalità ISTP in mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 638 in enneagram, RCOEN in big 5, LSI in socionics."


The son of King Lot of Orkney and Arthur's half-sister Morgause, making him King Arthur's nephew and older brother to Agravaine, Gaheris, and Gareth. His characterization has been all over the map from The Ace In Shining Armor in earlier depictions, to a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing Jerkass in the Post-Vulgate who even Agravaine of all people calls out at one point, to a straight-up bad guy in the Prose Tristan, and everywhere in between. Mallory seemingly attempted to stitch together as much of him into one character as was possible, with really mixed results, resulting in either, depending on who you ask, a deeply complex character or a head-scratchingly bipolar one. Bizarrely, Malory is also suspected to have written The Marriage of Gawain, where he had a massive Character Rerailment and is written like Vulgate or pre-Vulgate Gawain.
