1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Religione
  3. Welsh, Gaelic or Celtic

Scáthach tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Scáthach? Scáthach è un tipo di personalità ISTP in mbti, 6w5 - sp/sx - 684 in enneagram, RLUEN in big 5, SLI in socionics."


Scáthach (literally “The Shadowy One”) is a female warrior and a teacher of warriors. Scáthach was the daughter of Árd-Greimne of Lethra. She lived on an island (thought to be the Isle of Skye) in a castle, the gate of which was guarded by her daughter Uathach. At this fortress Scáthach trained numerous Celtic heroes in the arts of pole vaulting (which was actually useful in the assault of forts), underwater fighting, and combat with a barbed spear of her own invention called the gáe bolg (literally "spear of mortal death"). Her best-known student was Cú Chulainn, who stayed with her for a year and learned the technique of the gáe bolg.
