1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Televisione
  3. The Walking Dead (2010)

Maggie Rhee tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Maggie Rhee? Maggie Rhee è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 6w7 - so/sx - 612 in enneagram, SCOEN in big 5, ESI in socionics."

Okay, so I can see that some people are confused on the differences between ENTJs and ENFJs. While there are similarities between the two, there are also *big* differences that when analyzed, make it pretty clear on which type fits Maggie more. I'll go over these differences. So the biggest difference between ENTJs and ENFJs, is that ENTJs have dominant Te, and ENFJs have Demon Te. One naturally gravitates to positions and systems in order to grasp all information, and the other gets extremely stressed, angry and resentful when it’s forced. ENFJs also have Ti as a function. How introverted thinking works, is that it takes new information *one at a time* in order to filter it through to see if it makes sense to them or not. Since ENFJs also have Se, the combination of Ti-Se makes them interest based people. Or to put it more simply, they prefer to engage with each scenario on it's own, and will have no trouble working in each situation even when the conclusion is different. What does this mean? It means a few things. It creates different "styles" of leaders for one. Let's take King Ezekiel (who I think is an ENFJ) for example. I would say Ezekiel is a far more effective leader in peace-time, rather than in times of conflict. He is flexible, confident, has a strong image/ persona; and when things are working properly already he can use his strengths to focus on people and their individual issues. But when he gets into trouble, is when he has to take multiple different factors and consequences into account (so in other words, issues that require Te) in times of strife and warfare. When he was confronted with the fact that the system they had in place with the Saviors was ineffective and unsustainable (people were getting killed for the smallest of errors, and the demand is only getting higher), Ezekiel would tend to snap, and would outright reject action until the consequences landed on his doorstep (with Henry's death in Season 7). ENFJs react best when they are left free to solve problems as they see fit, and don't work well when they are constrained by factors outside of their own immediate judgement. If we look at Maggie on the other hand, she has no problem with this. When she first arrived in Alexandria, one of the first things she did was gain Deanna's (the former leader of Alexandria) trust and quickly obtained influence. Out of all the people in her group after arrival, she was easily in the most advantageous position. She was quickly in charge of some of the systems in Alexandria before the Savior War, and after Glenn's death, Maggie quickly got back on her feet and made various improvements to the Hilltop. People began to notice her efficiency, and she was quickly made a de-facto leader based on it. This is in line with how Te-Dominants work. They are not necessarily power hungry, but they just naturally work with pre-established systems in order to get a bird's eye view on how things are operating. That's how they feel secure. Since I propose that Maggie is an ENTJ, this indicates she also has Fi inferior. So she is often insecure whether she is acting in accordance to her values with the decisions she makes (this is where she will often suppress her inner feelings to get the job done). This has happened repeatedly; with sparing Gregory repeatedly despite her initial judgements on exiling him, and being convinced on housing the Saviors when they were taken prisoner instead of executing them during the war. This Te-Fi dynamic drives her in most of her actions. Her inner conflict is doing what she think needs to be done (Te), vs what she knows is the morally right thing to do (Fi). That’s why I think it’s important for her to have someone such as Glenn or Jesus (who are Ti and Fe users), to check her logical reasoning at times to make her more effective. So to summarize, Maggie is an ENTJ because has displayed strategic and rationale thinking almost reflexively in Alexandria, Hilltop and after she journeyed to Virginia and created a new group (whereas an ENFJ is far more comfortable engaging with situations in a unique and need-to-need basis). This demonstrates an at least *passive* use of extroverted thinking. Her moral framework is also important to her, and how she feels about situations helps drive lots of her decisions. But she is insecure enough about it where if people plead to her moral character to sway her decisions, she might buckle on them. An ENFJ would be more likely to set aside their personal feelings if it conflicts with the greater group. I think these examples are far more indicative of Te-Fi usage, and I think people who think she is an ENFJ are too focused on external behaviour (since both types can appear dominant, direct, blunt and controlling). The main difference between an ENTJ and ENFJ is how they operate within pre-existing systems, and Maggie seems to fit in a lot more with the former.


Maggie Rhee (née Greene) is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. She is the daughter of Hershel and Josephine Greene, stepdaughter of Annette Greene, older half-sister of Beth, younger stepsister of Shawn, and the last known surviving member of the Greene family. She is the widow of Glenn Rhee and the mother of Hershel. She is the former leader of the Hilltop Colony, and was one of the four co-leaders of the Militia, along with Rick Grimes, Ezekiel, and Cyndie before its disbanding. At some point after Rick's assumed death, she left the Hilltop alongside her son to join Georgie's group and search for new communities. Several years later, Maggie returned to Virginia with her son after a dangerous group attacked her and her people's home, only to find out that Glenn's murderer (Negan) is out and living among her friends and that the dangerous group has followed her back to Virginia. #TWD #TheWalkingDead #LaurenCohan #MaggieRhee #MaggieGreene

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