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  2. Videogiochi
  3. L.A. Noire

Cole Phelps tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Cole Phelps? Cole Phelps è un tipo di personalità ISTJ in mbti, 1w2 - so/sx - 163 in enneagram, RCOAI in big 5, ESI in socionics."

Cole Phelps as he's written is an ISTJ, a terrible commander but an excellent detective for mostly the same reasons - extremely ambitious and committed to duty and protocol. No ability to adapt to a situation that doesn't fit with what he's been taught to expect, though he's strangely unorthodox in his detective work at times, the homicide desk has him using a lot of psychoanalysis and literary knowledge to catch the killer, which seems more in line with an INTJ. I can't imagine a man this stuck in established methods and procedure - a man who couldn't fathom the LAPD being corrupt - being willing to play a serial killers games. It's also odd that he's so very bad with people despite being a fairly cultured and open minded person. He's effective in interrogations, he knows how to push peoples buttons and get the desired result. It's funny, Cole is more of a kindred spirit to the Japanese Imperial officers of his time than his comrades in the US army. Phelps while the player is controlling him however is an ENTP who steals peoples cars for fun and drives around in the fire truck because it looks cool. Also intuitive enough to just *know* where the evidence is and how best to respond to people.

