1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Film
  3. Brave (2012)

King Fergus tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è King Fergus? King Fergus è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 7w8 - so/sx - 738 in enneagram, SCUAN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

best disney dad 😤🖖


King Fergus is a heroic warrior king with a knobby peg leg – the result of his much-regaled skirmish with the demon bear Mor’du. His vendetta against the beast who took his leg makes Fergus a ferocious and determined bear hunter. Protector of his kingdom and family, Fergus has a heart as big as his barrel chest and boundless love for his wife, Queen Elinor, and their triplet sons. But his pride for his first-born daughter Merida is unmatched, and he has gifted her his great skill and passion for the sword and the bow.

Film caratteri simili a King Fergus
