1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Film
  3. Brave (2012)

Merida tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Merida? Merida è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 874 in enneagram, SLUEN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

(Part 1/2) Since there is an overwhelming number of ESFP voters wanting a deeper analysis on why she’s an ESTP I will do my best to try and explain it. Merida is an ESTP due to her evident Ti logic. Throughout Brave, Merida consistently showed that her logic was rooted internally. She demonstrates a complete disregard for the external impacts of her actions within her reasoning and is constantly finding loopholes/challenging societal logic in order to achieve her goals (opposite of Te). This is exhibited when she realized that the laws stated "only the first born of each of the great leaders may be presented as champion." Noting this she fought for her own hand representing Clan DunBroch which was soon followed by obvious condemnation from her mother and the kingdom. Through her Ti she didn't mind breaking tradition in order to acquire freedom. She saw no wrongdoing in her actions as she believed that they were in accordance to the rules (Ti) and got frustrated with Elinor for not listening/regarding her feelings. Towards the end of the movie she was suprised her mother (with her Te) decided to break tradition as well in favor of her and finally came to understand her unconventional thinking. I have analyzed her arguments with her mother, Elinor, below as I believe they clearly display her Ti reasoning. [Her argument over the arranged marriage] M: “Call off the gathering! Would that kill them? You’re the Queen. You can just tell the lords, ‘The princess is not ready for this, in fact she might not ever be ready for this, so...that's that! Good day to you, we’ll expect your declarations of war in the morning!’” [Obvious Ti. Showcasing her internal LOGIC, not internal feeling. Doesn’t understand why her mother, with her immense superiority, wouldn’t just call off the gathering. Complete disregard for the external consequences that can come of this decision like “declarations of war” since this way makes sense to her logically. Although it can be mistaken for Fi, it is not]. E: “I understand this must all seem unfair but we can’t just run away from who we are” [Elinor is an ISTJ and employs her Te to reason with Merida by having her see that her actions have consequences. She can’t “run away” from her responsibilities and duties of the external world. SiTe desiring Merida to change her actions and abide by the system]. M: “I don’t want my life to be over, I want my freedom!” [Se core fear of restrictions and inability to explore sensory experiences. Views an arranged marriage to be the “end of her life”] E: “But are you willing to pay the price your freedom will cost?” [Te warning Ti actions will come with consequences from the external] M: “I’m not doing any of this to hurt you!” [Fe conscious/guilt. Noting her logic may seem insensitive but assuring other person not meant to target them. Apologizing for unconventional thinking common among Ti users unlike Te] E: “I think you’d see if you could just listen.” [Te confident can persuade to see the grand order and have recipient conform to it]. M: “I think I could make you understand if you’d just listen.” [Ti concerned on having other try to understand their pov] This was a misunderstanding and disagreement over logic, as was most of the film. Not feeling. [Their argument after the games] E: “You embarrassed them, you embarrassed me!” [Te focusing on the social impacts of Ti's insensitive logic and how caused them to be viewed by collective] M: “I followed the rules!” [Ti found the loopholes and doesn't see logic as flawed since in accordance to laws] E: “You don’t know what you’ve done! It will be fire and sword if it is not set right.” [Te sees implications of actions and how it will lead to destruction] M: “Just listen!” [Ti focus on having Te understand their internal logic rather than being direct and unwavering] E: "I am the Queen, you listen to me!" [SiTe imposing structure and status over recipient, refusing to listen to Ti logic due to belief unable to recognize the broader implications of their behavior]. (Part 2 in comments)

