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  3. Honkai: Star Rail

Jing Yuan tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Jing Yuan? Jing Yuan è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 9w1 - so/sp - 952 in enneagram, SCOAI in big 5, LIE in socionics."

Ngl, Idek why anyone is considering Te dom for him?! I don't know everything about Jing Yuan's character, but it's pretty damn obvious to me that the Te in him can't be dom. A character that's portrayed as a slacker who doesn't actively manipulate the situation on field doesn't feel Te dom to me. Before anyone goes like "isn't he a general?" comes to attack me, his position as a general makes it even more obvious that he can't be a Te dom. Why? Because a Te dom would find it to be their own nature to play the role of a general at most times. For this reason, Jing Yuan feels more like a Je auxiliary in the way he can facilitate the ones around him but spends more time away from it. There's no given context(that I've seen) which tells us what Jing Yuan spends most of his time doing, but I'd say he almost feels like an Ni dom from the preventive nature over corrective nature. On all instances Jing Yuan is shown to be an excellent general, he's spreading his will through his soldiers to prevent situations from worsening or spreading. For example, when he sent Trailblazers and the others to stop the ambrosial harbor from falling. How does this imply Ni dom over Si dom if he is even a Pi dom at all? Si doms are a lot more picky over small details and the "right way" to do things, unlike Ni doms who are more focused on the big picture and can get tired out from focusing on the details(like Jing Yuan). I don't know enough about Jing Yuan to determine whether he's on the Te-Fi axis or Fe-Ti axis, but I'll go with Fe-Ti axis due to the Fe aura he exudes. His tendencies to slack off also feel a little bit Te blind(not that I'm using that one fact to hint towards Te blindness). Plus, Idk if ya'll know what I mean but doesn't it feel kinda obvious when you can tell if a character feels like an Ni dom from the way they look? It definitely isn't at all a surefire way to prove someone's MBTI type, but Jing Yuan kinda looks like he has Ni-ish eyes to me. (don't attack me if anything i said is inaccurate since i don't know that much about him + I made a lot of assumptions)


"Do not make this decision lightly, general... Think about how you will be remembered..." The general of the Cloud Knights listened to those words with eyes half-closed. "History will make its own judgment on my legacy, and I do not concern myself with how others see me. If I succeed, they'll say that all went according to my master strategy. But if I fail, they'll criticize my delinquency."

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