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Charles Cuevas tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Charles Cuevas? Charles Cuevas è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - 351 in enneagram, RLOEI in big 5, LIE in socionics."

I really didn’t see sx3 in chapter 1, honestly. His motivations in gaining knowledge are more embedded in so1 more than anything else. It’s the conscious need to be right above all others, superior just for having that knowledge and knowing more than your peers. It explains his unnecessary spiel on DVDs vs CDs, for example. Charles could’ve just said the correct answer in that regard, but he dumped every piece of information onto Teruko to prove that he just knows this and therefore gets to lord how smart he is over her. So1 also explains his interactions in the prologue. You can see his standards are rigidly set upon meeting Teruko and Xander- since so1 is supposed to be a sort of paragon for social conduct and how people should act around them is extremely important, Charles seems to befit this description more in chapter 1 than just being a fix. It’s certainly in the middle of his tritype, there’s no doubt about it. He is definitely a 513 sp/so.


While there’s no doubt that the Ultimate Chemist is very educated and talented in the field of chemistry, Charles Cuevas has no qualms on using those facts to lord his intellectual superiority over others. He looks down upon those he views as less intelligent. On the flipside, Charles is easy to tease and often loses his cool if made fun of.

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