King Rauru tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è King Rauru? King Rauru è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 9w1 - so/sp - 962 in enneagram, in big 5, LII in socionics."

i do not understand why people are voting INTP, like at all. okay maybe a little, but still no. and also, the majority of his mbti votes are intutive, so why would he be non curious in big 5? like genuinely, would an inferior fe person ever do what he does? *spoiler, he literally sacrifices himself to keep the demon king at bay, inferior fe... really?? he does this for the sake of the world, the sake of his community, which is what Fe is all about. i’m not saying non Fe users can’t do this, but it’s a lot less likely. HIS WHOLE CHARACTER is based around Ni (and Fe). he literally has never met link, but he trusts in the FUTURE and puts faith into something that hasn’t even happened yet, but he has faith it WILL happen. this is so Ni, it’s crazy. and his thought process and the way he thinks about things is nothing like a Ne user. yes, a Ti user, but not a Ne user. he doesn't make spontaneous ideas and connections, he isn’t scattered. LIKE AT ALL. like yes some Ne users can be more slow and calm, but even they still have their scattered moments. whereas rauru is so cautious and thoughtful about EVERYTHING he does. he plans things out in his head and it's almost in the backround, internal, not external. not Ne, but Ni. for example the scene where ganondorf lies about how he's sorry, rauru doesn't immediately react (Ne) and think about his own thoughts or feelings, he does what is strategic, and has a funnel vision like outlook (or inlook really) and he decides to keep his enemies close. someone with dom of Ti or Fi would likely not do this. they would immediately know what the right thing they would want to do in their head, even if it externally doesn't make sense. whereas rauru uses his aux Fe to observe and keep ganondorf close, to inspect how he thinks or what he does to make his judgment. this is peak Fe-Ti. whereas someone with dom Ti or Fi would not want to even be near someone they had strong opinions against. whereas rauru can put his judging functions aside (still using Ti, just not dominant) and use his Ni and Fe to collect data from observing someone else, and make their decisions and plans based on that. even if they are very hard to stand, and dislike them a lot. oh and also, people voting him as enneagram 9 also doesn’t sit well with me, because he doesn’t show, like ANY e9 traits. sloth? non inquisitive-ness, laziness, etc, needs to keep things light hearted, doesn’t like heavy things?! he has NONE. the only remotely e9 thing he does is sacrifice himself but i think other enneagrams can do that. he’s literally the stereotype of an e5. let’s be real😭 specifically an INFJ e5, which is why he’s so balanced. in all the cut scenes, he seems almost removed from the current situation because he doesn’t always need external input in order to make his ideas. the part that is e5 here is that he is withdrawn. in the e5 way, not the e9 way. he is withdrawn, but not lacking of any intellect, how e9s typically are. what makes him INFJ tho is that he’s withdrawn but at the same time very observant of others and using both his Fe-Ti in a very healthy and unity way. like he literally uses his Fe-Ti like a synergy.


The first king and founder of Hyrule and Zelda's ancestor

Videogiochi caratteri simili a King Rauru
