Miss Lucrezia tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Miss Lucrezia? Miss Lucrezia è un tipo di personalità ESFP in mbti, 3w4 - sx/sp - 638 in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

Lucreza was a toxic ESFP. At first while reading the series I thought she was a ESTP or ESTJ because of her fast thinking and planning skills. Along with the way she treated Ariadne and Arabella. However before her death Lucreza showed compassion for Maletta when Ippolitto said he wanted her dead even though she was carrying his legitimate child. She believed that she should have been kicked out of the palace but not dead and explained why to Ippolito. Her facial expressions showed sincere concern as well. Ippolito had to convince her otherwise to make his whole plan officially hapen. If she was an ESTJ or ESTP she would have shown less remorse for the maid.


Simon De Mare's mistress, who pretends to be his wife. She is the natural mother of three children and the stepmother of Ariadne.

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