Daphne Blake tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Daphne Blake? Daphne Blake è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 8w7 - - 837 in enneagram, SCOEI in big 5, SLE in socionics."

why ESFJ 2w3? this is not Daphne with the same personality from the movies and series, this Daphne is from a dc comic, and if you voted taking into account other references, i'm sorry... but being very clear about my opinion, to me daphne is ENTJ and 8w7, she is a natural leader with her brilliant Te and her strategies sound totally like Ni to me, especially in that part where they were in the supermarket and she came up with a plan (and fred had been hurt, among other things.) as she leads the team she is totally ENTJ, even she demonstrated Fi inf when she was going to stay and be caught by the monsters for guilt, remember who saved her? Yes, Shaggy! And ESFJ has tertiary Ne, and honestly I don't see anything of Ne in it. And I think many are not used to seeing ENTJs on other sides of the story than villains or antiheroes, but she is indeed a hero, ENTJs are also cool and whoever voted ESFJ didn't come up with any arguments, let alone anything convincing, but I am open to hearing opinions and we can debate at will!

