1. 人とキャラクター
  2. アニメ&マンガ
  3. Summer Time Rendering

Shinpei Ajiro mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Shinpei Ajiroはどのような性格タイプですか? Shinpei Ajiroは、INFJ in MBTI、6w5 - sp/so - 692 in Enneagram、RLOAI in Big 5、LII in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

I don't think there's any need to prove Ni's existence, but the next time I see an increase in ISFJ's vote, I'll make my vote more detailed. Then. I'm still in the character analysis phase, but the first thing I should point out that I haven't seen anyone mention is that: Shinpei is not in a normal state. 1. Ushio died. 2. He is constantly dying and reviving. He's also seeing people he cares about go through the same thing. 3. Each time he revives, he retains memories of not just events in general, but his body brings back the physical sensations of how he died (Ep2 for reference). 4. He is dealing with a "supernatural" event. He's not in a bored amusement park, he's dealing with the need to kill creatures that look the same as the people he grew up with in childhood. In other words, he's clearly in a stressful situation where he clearly hasn't had an adequate period to process (Ushio died and soon after he has to kill shadows). Furthermore, the best form of analysis is not to treat him as if he were at his best. Therefore, as both personalities have Se-inf, it is enough to compare: Ni-Ti vs Ni-Fi. However, after episode 6, the difference between Shinpei (Fe-Ti) and Hizuru (Te-Fi) became visible. Fe-aux - Fe is an extraverted judging function. FJs can seem intense and dramatic in their expressions. While other types may view them as somewhat irrationals or melodramatic, Fe expressions are rational in the sense of conveying the nature and strenght of the experiencied emotion. FJs feel compelled to be "positive" in their demeanor and expressions, to put on a "happy face". In the company of close confidants, however, FJs feel they can drop the social façade and express their complaints and grievances. A. J. Drenth: Fe vs Te> https://prnt.sc/ur0OFa8kyVsY ; https://prnt.sc/M-5T5Dl9VSAm ; Fe vs Fi> https://prnt.sc/JYw-rPHa0O3C ; Dario Nardi: Fe> https://prnt.sc/HwP63dGEnrnv ; In case it becomes necessary, I can very well pick up the scenes and conversation periods that prove the existence of the Ni-Ti loop and the presence of Fe-aux returning since Hizuru started interacting with Shinpei. Just ask and I'll do it. EDIT: Inclusion of Enneagram and G5. Enneagram - For me, 6w5 fits best with his personality and how he constantly aims to protect others (Fe-aux) besides himself, but mainly in how Shinpei whenever he tries to act rationally, he ends up being impulsive and emotional. G5 - https://similarminds.com/global5/rloai.html EDIT: Just read the comments, evidence of Fe-aux's existence in some scenes from the anime and manga is presented below.


アニメ&マンガ Shinpei Ajiroに似たキャラクター
