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  2. アニメ&マンガ
  3. Summer Time Rendering

Hizuru Minakata mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Hizuru Minakataはどのような性格タイプですか? Hizuru Minakataは、INTJ in MBTI、5w6 - - 514 in Enneagram、RCOEI in Big 5、LII in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

I don't think there's a need to go into a detailed analysis covering all INTJ-type and ISTJ-like functions, so I'll just focus on the presence of Ni-dom vs Ne-inf and Se-inf vs Si-dom. The ISTJ personality prefers to deal with specific facts and details rather than using their imagination. In other words, everyone on the island considers the event of the "shadows" to be a myth or a bedtime story. Anime, EP 2 - 21:05 - 21:13. Manga Ch. 7, pg 2. - https://prnt.sc/RPSL52SbcbPu Only a few people (without concrete proof) believe in the existence of the myth, and one of those people is Hizuru. Dr. A. J. Drenth: Si vs Ni - https://prnt.sc/rIl1VWKylSM6 ; https://prnt.sc/0eZsWWeR4hY6 ; https://prnt.sc/L8JNZYAwE3g1 ; Si-dom + Ne-inf - https://prnt.sc/I9UX3mh_-rYD ; Naomi L. Quenk: Ni - https://prnt.sc/dYME_V4tnr40 ; "Introverted Intuitive types are the most intellectually independent of the types. They have a theory to explain everything, prefer innovative solutions to established ones, and are adept at seeing situations from an unusual perspective." Ni+Work - https://prnt.sc/HM7ID2Di1UOy ; https://prnt.sc/wmWG3H_HoWqP ; https://prnt.sc/7UqCAN3DnfzP ; Se-inf - https://prnt.sc/pOQMH8dtyWmD ; https://prnt.sc/WEwfFbKYHDtU ; https://prnt.sc/sQWvD4mNqz0i ; Se-dom vs Se-inf - https://prnt.sc/4Nq2-K4tXyY7 ; Summary - Si-dom - Trusts in past events and information, submits to following traditions and the instruction of figures who represent authority as it is the "tradition" in general terms. When a clash against Ne-inf occurs, Si-dom and his traditionalism win. Ni-dom - Believes in the existence of possibilities beyond traditions. Normally, it does not submit to rules composed by society, but uses hierarchical structures. When combined with Te-aux, it becomes an independent and extremely autonomous personality, where it seeks its own answers. ======================================== 1. Without concrete proof, Hizuru believes in Shinpei's ability to travel through time. Manga Ch. 19, pgs 18, 19 and 21. ==: Hizuru believing in Shinpei without proof or prior knowledge experiences. Manga Ch. 26, pgs 14, 15 and 16. ==: Also, in another loop, she herself comes to the conclusion that he can travel through time. 2. Hizuru clearly doesn't respect authorities, norms or traditions, she follows what she wants to do and as her instinct says. Manga Ch. 21, pg 2. ==: Failure to attend an appointment is considered a serious lack of respect. Especially if the person purposely decided to miss it. It is a common tradition at business meetings for both parties to attend (just search the internet for business etiquette). However, Hizuru clearly doesn't care. Manga Ch. 22, pgs 7, 8 and 9. ==: Hizuru was about to read an +18 scene to Ushio (child), until she was interrupted by Asako. I don't think I need to emphasize how this is outside norms, traditions and even common sense. Manga Ch. 23, pgs 2, 3 and 4. ==: It is considered a tradition in many countries (even in Japan) not to open a coffin once it has been closed. Hizuru, besides not caring about tradition, she didn't care about respecting the people present at the funeral, let alone the police officer. 3. Hizuru doesn't like the ordinary and the normal, she seeks unique, creative and innovative things, what goes beyond the natural. Her level of disgust with everyday life reaches the level of her qualifying her own life as a story and the people around her she qualifies as main or secondary characters. Manga Ch. 21, pg 3. ==: Hizuru qualifying events in her life as "tales" and people as "characters". Manga Ch. 21, pgs 8, 9 and 10. ==: Rather than being offended by the scene, Hizuru is upset by Shinpei's lack of creativity or "uniqueness" quality.


アニメ&マンガ Hizuru Minakataに似たキャラクター
