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  2. アニメ&マンガ
  3. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

Ryo Marufuji (Zane Truesdale) mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Ryo Marufuji (Zane Truesdale) mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Ryo Marufuji (Zane Truesdale)はどのような性格タイプですか? Ryo Marufuji (Zane Truesdale)は、ISTJ in MBTI、5w6 - sp/sx - in Enneagram、RCOEI in Big 5、LIE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

I would like to make a case for INTJ. Seeing someone so full of ambition that he reaches a point of bulldozing everyone and anything to get what he wants... not for anyone or anything, but for himself and his own goals... that is just plain INTJ. I have met a few INTJ's and all of them go by the rules - they are reserved and don't really bother themselves with others - up until the rules are standing in the way of their plans. The moment the "system" doesn't work for them, they want to break it. The Te/Fi downward spiral is far worse with INTJ and it tends to turn them into emotionless, power-hungry assholes, which is exactly what happens to him in the series. I understand where the ISTJ is coming from, but Hell Kaiser IS HIM. It's not a different character. Characters, same as people, grow and change so what we have is what we should look at - the whole picture. ISTJ's tend to be righteous, always wanting to do things the way they should be done, the right way. Looking at the character as a whole, that is not a general truth for him, not even in school. Yeah, he was good at it, but what INTJ is not good at school? For the most part, they are all pretty smart people. Even having the title Kaiser is so high and mighty of a nickname for a schoolboy. He is too calm and calculating, too ambitious and willing to do anything to get what he wants. My vote is INTJ.


アニメ&マンガ Ryo Marufuji (Zane Truesdale)に似たキャラクター
