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Jarvis Cocker mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Jarvis Cockerはどのような性格タイプですか? Jarvis Cockerは、INTP in MBTI、4w5 - sx/sp - 549 in Enneagram、RLUAI in Big 5、ILI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

having learnt more about the subtypes, beginning to think that he's 100% an sx5 honestly. they're the most emotional and expressive 5 subtype, which is probably why he's typed as a 4 and formerly as a fi dom, but they still seek to retain some detachment from their feelings and focus more on bigger questions and ideas. though you can't type exclusively using music, he spends a lot of time within his music attempting to understand sex, relationships, and the class system, in relation to his own experiences, but can't seem to achieve this without intellectualising things and placing them into a broader context. also it's very sx5 to spend years dreaming about success and fame (pulp didn't become successful until he was 30, let's remember), on account of that need for connection to higher ideals, only for the 5 instinct to withdraw to come in, which is why he had a semi-breakdown/headed in the direction of disintegration to 7, alongside the general hedonism of the br*tpop moment. his documentary series, "journeys into the outside" surprisingly says quite a lot about his personality honestly: he seems more concerned with being able to understand the emotions and moods which drive unusual art, than understanding emotions in relation to himself.


Jarvis Branson Cocker (born 19 September 1963) is an English musician, actor and presenter. As the founder, frontman, and sole consistent member of the band Pulp, he became a figurehead of the Britpop genre of the mid-1990s. Following Pulp's hiatus, Cocker has pursued a solo career, and for seven years he presented the BBC Radio 6 Music show Jarvis Cocker's Sunday Service.

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