1. 人とキャラクター
  2. ビデオゲーム
  3. Xenogears

Krelian mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Krelianはどのような性格タイプですか? Krelianは、INTJ in MBTI、5w4 - sx/so - 514 in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

WARNING: Contains spoilers for Xenogears. It is easy to assume that Xenogears was written with the enneagram like Xenosaga. This can be backed up by Fei's laid-back personality accompanied by DID akin to a type 9 and Elly's self-sacrificial nature common with a type 2. It is more difficult to determine Krelian's type than it is for Citan as his speculated Xenosaga counterpart (Richard) never received an ODM profile like Nephilim and Jin did. However, his dialogue and actions throughout the game point to a type 5. His role as a scientist who studied nanotechnology could lead one to the "he's smart, therefore 5" conclusion, but existing material on type 5 points to this as well. As described by Riso and Russ Hudson, unhealthy 5's exhibit nihilistic traits and a rejection to social attachments. This be seen in Krelian after the events of the Shevat-Solaris war. In terms of subtype, Krelian can be pinpointed as a sexual variant. He both fears unity with others as demonstrated by his pessimism towards love between humans before the final boss, yet his goal is to have humanity join with the Wave Existence. Essentially, this is the sexual 5's simultaneous fear and desire for human connection on a macro scale. Furthermore; Naranjo stated that a sexual 5 does not "accept his fragile condition", something with can be seen with Krelian's "Childhood End" style goal with forcing humanity to evolve to a greater state. Finally; Krelian is only open to people that he can fully trust. In his case; his confidants would be Sophia/Elly and, to an extent, Lacan/Fei.



ビデオゲーム Krelianに似たキャラクター
