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  2. 音楽
  3. Alternative, Grunge, Punk, & New Wave

Thurston Moore mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Thurston Mooreはどのような性格タイプですか? Thurston Mooreは、ENTP in MBTI、4w5 - sx/so - 478 in Enneagram、SLUEI in Big 5、ILE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

READ HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY ‘SONIC LIFE’. It will eliminate all doubt that he has dominant Ne. Thurston is drawn like a moth to a flame towards any music that’s strange, edgy, visceral, groundbreaking, or challenging, and dislikes anything boring or generic (Si inferior). His attention is focused almost exclusively on the culture around him and what different art movements represent, and his memory is an encyclopedia of the people and events (ie concerts) that have influenced him. He may have a lot of technical knowledge with his modified gadgetry, but it’s clear that he is a very social person who is always seeking clever and innovative ways to challenge conventions. He’s not just an artist but an enthusiastic fan. He’s the kind of ENTP you could talk to for hours without ever getting bored. A sort of street scholar. (One reviewer even criticized his book for being TOO generous towards other musicians and not being personal enough.) He is not without his shortcomings, of course. The way he mocked Narduar reminds me of the ENTP schoolyard troll going too far, and of course he cheated on Kim because he was bored and thought he could have it both ways. But he got away with it for years because he had enough Fe charisma, and you can see his Ti-Fe conflict in how he tried to clean up the damage. But you can still see his Fe develop gradually as he got older, as is the case with many ENTPs. He went from snotty punk cursing at Robert Christgau to beat poet talking about love and “vibrations”. He’s an ENTP who debates less through politics and more through his art.


Thurston Joseph Moore (born July 25, 1958) is an American musician best known as a singer, songwriter and guitarist of Sonic Youth. He has also participated in many solo and group collaborations outside Sonic Youth, as well as running the Ecstatic Peace! record label.
