1. 人とキャラクター
  2. 映画
  3. To All the Boys (trilogy)

Peter Kavinsky mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Peter Kavinskyはどのような性格タイプですか? Peter Kavinskyは、ENFJ in MBTI、2w3 - so/sx - 278 in Enneagram、 in Big 5、ESE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

He is obviously a Fe dom, in regards to him possibly being an ESFJ, he's more Ni-Se than Si-Ne. If you compare him to Lara Jean who actually HAS Si in her cognitive stacks, she's very fond of cultivating memories and even kept little trinkets throughout the course of their relationship that surprised Peter considering he had forgotten about them (again, does that sound like Si to you?) she also reminisces about the past and tends to go into a Fi-Si loop when her and Peter's relationship becomes tumultuous. He clearly despises the possibility of their relationship morphing into something that they'll just look back in the future and reminisce, that's why he doesn't hold the concept of the past and making memories at such a very high standard and is more fond of making plans for the future and sticking to them. Heck, when Lara Jean gave him the box that contained the love letters he wrote for her and the photos that they took, telling him he could have it as something to 'remember them by' he looked so uncomfortable because he couldn't understand the sentimental value of what she gave him and the importance of keeping memories that they could cherish. He instead analyzed the underlying meaning of it and assumed that it was her way of saying "This relationship is obviously not going to work in the future, so you might as well have this as something you can remember me by." Plus if he had Ne, the idea of Lara Jean going to NYU wouldn't be such a big deal to him. He would've accommodated better to her changing her mind because the possibilities are endless and he would've understood that and why she chose to go to NYU instead of Berkley because she didn't want to put herself in a box all because of him. But instead, he chose to look at it as her disrupting their plans and second-guessing their relationship and not loving him just as much as he thought she did, basically going into this tunnel vision mentality because things weren't going his way and what he planned for them which if you ask me, REEKS Ni. Plus Ni in itself is very hard to detect at times because again, it is internal, but if you really dig deeper into Peter's mind and why he chooses his decisions and reacts the way that he does, it's prominent. Se isn't even debatable plus he chooses not to look back on the past and make underlying connections when something in the present goes wrong, instead, he just chooses to overanalyze and make patterns with what he's already seeing and thinking how it's going to affect his future as well as his relationship. Plus he only managed to overcome his issue with Lara Jean because he made a pattern regarding an issue with his father because his father's persistence to be in his life symbolized devoted love, basically having some sort of epiphany moment that if you love someone, you'd be devoted to them through and through (Ni) So basically there's no Si-Ne which means ESFJ is already ruled out, that and ESFP, really? Where's the Fi? And he may use Se but it's not really that dominant either, he chooses to value more of the people in his life's input regardless if he agrees with them or not (Fe), and his Ni is too strong for it to be inferior so ESTP is also ruled out, meaning that it could be a tertiary or auxiliary function, but that would suggest he could be an ISFP or ISTP, but again no Fi and his Fe is too strong for it to be inferior. So yes, I'm settling with ENFJ.


Lara Jean's love interest and the second of her love letter recipients. Peter is a popular lacrosse player who agrees to fake date her in order to get his ex-girlfriend Genevieve off his back.

映画 Peter Kavinskyに似たキャラクター
