Haru Katou mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Haru Katouはどのような性格タイプですか? Haru Katouは、ISFP in MBTI、1w9 - so/sp - 162 in Enneagram、RLOAN in Big 5、ESI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Leaning towards ISFP on this one, because surprise surprise! Fi users can care about others too! /lh. Genuinely though, as an ISFP myself (who almost mistyped themselves as ESFJ/ISFJ for relating to Fe values), its definitely not 100% "if you want to help others you're automatically a Fe user!" Some examples from MBTI notes: "Fi uses feelings to derive value judgments about good/bad." As well as, "Mature ISFPs are known for caring very deeply, so their actions always align with their values. They appreciate individual uniqueness and never hesitate to speak up for values/causes." With Haru being a police officer, I think this is fairly fitting and it makes sense that he would have Fi/Fe values. I also saw someone below mentioning they believe Haru to be an ENFJ stuck in an Fe-Se loop, and honestly I can see see this, but I think all it is is just his Fi and Se working together or against each other depending on the circumstances. Like I mentioned above, Fi and Fe can get confused very easily, and Fi isn't "selfish." Finally, addressing the INFJ votes, where do you guys see Ni dom? I just cannot see it anywhere in him, honestly. I'd love to hear your reasoning.


アニメ&マンガ Haru Katouに似たキャラクター

