1. 人とキャラクター
  2. ビデオゲーム
  3. Shadow Fight 2

Rose mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Roseはどのような性格タイプですか? Roseは、ENTJ in MBTI、8w7 - - in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"


Rose is the third challenger that appears in Shadow Fight 2. She challenges the players when they reach level 14-17. She is Butcher's "favorite" wife and wants to protect her master. If the player wins, then Rose gives her Katana (with Overheat enchantment) to the player. If the players lose, then they can either :

ビデオゲーム Roseに似たキャラクター
